Daniel H Robertson

Research Fellow, Director of Applied Data Sciences

Pharmaceuticals, Indianapolis, Indiana Area

About Me

My experience has allowed me to excel at the interface of science and technology and in multidisciplinary environments. I have been a catalyst for change in all my roles from an individual contributor, a key member of a high performing team, and as a leader of large scientific/technical organizations. I have developed a broad background in scientific and technical areas such as computational modeling, visualization, informatics, predictive modeling, and simulation methodologies with expertise in software/methodology development under a variety of development platforms, both directly and through my teams. My most recent roles have provided additional expertise in Drug Discovery across major scientific and IT disciplines. In my leadership roles I have maximized the impact of groups of strong scientific and technical experts in the computational, informatics, scientific, and IT disciplines. I have a proven ability to identify talent, position them in the right roles, maximizing their potential in these roles, and then developing them for their future careers. Specialties: Computational Chemistry, Informatics, Visualization, Data Science, Genomics, Agile Development, IT Operations, Scientific/Technical Leadership, Identification and Development of Talent

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