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About our project

How great can you be?

Lifestyler is the future for personal training, personal health and personal nutrition. It is the next generation in terms of people improving, living longer lives and living happier lives. Lifestyler can create highly individual training plans and very soon nutritional plans, at different detail levels depending on your needs. Lifestyler is an app that takes into account and learns a huge amount about you, to take you to your peak ability, whatever that means to you. Not only can Lifestyler help you with every aspect of health and fitness, but if you do exactly as the app asks, you will reach your goal in the fastest possible way.

Our Solution

There are a number of apps and websites in the area of providing training and nutritional plans the moment, but they all fall into two categories. Either they do provide you with training and nutritional plans, but these are generic and in no way include the individuality you would get with a personal trainer of nutritionist, essential to reaching your goals. Else they do provide a lot of individuality, but you are still paying near full prices for them.

This didn’t seem right to me. There seemed to be a lack in the availability of affordable and personal plans. This is why the spark of Lifestyler began.

I believe Lifestyler is a great way to help a large amount of people overcoming health issues brought on by our modern society as well as give people a tool that will help and enable them to reach their peak ability and live fuller healthier lives.

What stage is Lifestyler at now?-

Features currently available are:

  • Fat Loss Training Plan
  • Muscular Endurance Training Plan
  • Muscular Size Training Plan
  • Muscular Strength Training Plan
  • Muscular Power Training Plan
  • Core Training Plan
  • Lactate Threshold Training Plan

We are now at what we are calling the crowd development stage. It is basically guaranteed that by letting you use the system in this development stage and by you telling us what you like, what you don’t like and what they would like to see, we will have a better system by the end. Keep in the conversation via Twitter and Facebook to have your say.

We haven’t spent time making it look too pretty yet, as we want to get the functionality perfect first. We hope this doesn’t put you off.

So check out All features are completely free of charge, so you can start your journey to greatness today for zero cost.

Have ideas for things you would like to see or a way something could be done better? Let us know. We will read and discuss any and all feedback and idea submissions. Get involved in LS’s evolution!! When we are a household name you may well be able to point at a feature and say, that was my idea. I contributed that!

What makes the principles used to generate Lifestyler plans so good?

One of our great concerns when it came to developing plans for individuals was biased opinions. This often limits the scope of how plans are created and will almost defiantly mean that the plan is not fully optimal to the individual.

This is why over 2000 hours of in depth research was carried out, to make sure the best and most proven attributes where used to develop plans. A huge amount of this was spent creating different levels for what the system would do for different people, as what works for a 22 year old male athlete will not necessarily work for a 58 year old male who only walks twice a week, or a 16 year old female who has never trained before.

But we decided to take this a step further. As although researched and proven principles where far more accurate then biased and narrow minded opinions, it was still a bit limiting when the actual individual is taken into account. As everyone is a different mix of attributes. The number of attributes and the mixtures that can be found in individuals is huge. So we began to build intelligence into the system. This means that as an individual used the system, the system would learn specifics about that individual. This allows the plans to be adjusted in hundreds of ways, making them more effective to you. Although this intelligence is in early development at the moment, there is a wide scope of attributes it can learn about and apply. It will allow you to know yourself better than was ever possible before.

As discussed we always has and always will be built on the foundations of the latest research. We pledge to re do any part of the system that new research shows is not the optimal way for that individual to achieve that goal. Our future goal is to develop one of the worlds leading health and fitness research facilities and to work closely with the worlds top health and fitness colleges, universities and research institutions.

We would like to build enough trust in our company that just the fact that Lifestyler has advised you to do something is a good enough reason to trust it is the optimal path for you, personally, to take.

What makes the plans unique to me?

In addition to what the system learns about you there is a wide range of settings that are used to make the plan specific to you. Currently included is your fitness level, what equipment you have available, whether you have a gym membership, what equipment is available at the gym, how often you would like to train at the gym, what goal or goals you are training for as well as specifics within these goals, i.e. what muscles or disciplines you want to train.

In addition to this, in the training plans we use a wide range of training tests. There are currently 7 different tests available but this will be increased to 41 fairly rapidly once we reach our funding target. These tests allow the system to set plans at your current ability and adjusting plans as you adapt to keep you training at the right level and intensity.

How do I use Lifestyler on the go?

Part of our plan for this budget is to make LS available as an app on your mobile. Currently it works fine if you visit on your mobiles browser, meaning you can see what you are meant to be doing at work, at the gym or when you are out and about.

What will the budget be used for?

This budget will be used to upgrade our server, as the one we are currently using has a tendency to run into issues, which hurts the user experience. Once we have reached our funding target it should only take about a week to put these improvements into place.

Where is Lifestyler heading in the future?

Any further funding over the target will be used towards expanding the size of our development team, which will allow us to begin adding new features and improving current ones.

We have over 200 further ideas for new features that we can add and things we can do to improve the users experience. Our path through these, as well as any new features that are added, is now very much decided by you. Keep in the conversation via Twitter ( ) and Facebook ( ) to have your say.

A quick brief of the kind of things future development will include are-

  • Nutritional requirements: The app will have one of the most advanced systems in the world when it comes to working out your nutritional requirements. This will include your calorie requirements as well as your nutrient (carbs, fat, protein, minerals, vitamins) requirements. As always this will use the latest scientific principles as well as AI to learn about you, the individual. This will allow the system to adjust your requirements as it learns more about you, such as what your metabolic rate is and special dietary requirements.
  • Nutritional generator: The nutritional generator will have the ability to create full meal plans, recipes and shopping lists for you, using a huge range of foods and meal types, to get as close as is possible to your daily calories requirements, nutrient requirements and food group requirements. In addition to this the system will monitor stored foods and minimise wastage. The foods and meal types used will all be fully customizable.
  • More goals: including flexibility training, postural training, general cardiovascular training, event specific cardiovascular training, sport specific training for at least 46 sports, event specific lactate threshold training and HIIT training. We will also include smaller, more specific, miscellaneous goals, such as being able to so the splits or being able to do a handstand press up. In addition to this we will add all round test goals, that will test all aspects of your health and fitness and advise what you are below average, average and above average for. You can then train aspects you want to improve. This will also be applied to sports specific training, although this will apply specifically to attributes required for your chosen sport. Finally for this stage we want to add a general training goal, which will focus equally in training all aspects of your health and fitness.
  • Timetable implementation: Allowing you, if you choose, to advise the system of commitments you have in your life, which in turn will allow the system to optimise the timing of your plans to aid energy levels, recovery times and a whole range of other attributes to allow you to reach you goal as quickly as possible.
  • Different levels of use: We don’t want to force people to have rigid plans if they do not believe it will be the best way for them to use the system. You want to just tell the system what you ate whilst having it generate and apply training plans to you timetable. That’s fine. You want to have full meal plans and shopping lists whilst doing what you want in the gym. That’s fine too. A number of levels of use, from more flexible to faster results, will be available to the user. These will range from just being logs up to being fully fledged plan generators that are applied to your timetable.
  • On the fly client adjustments: Currently the system is limited to what adjustments it can make on the go. Some adjustments currently rely on you deleting a current goal and adding a new one. Our app is still already more advanced than anything else available, but we want to take it much further. You were originally training for a half marathon but have now decided to sign up for the full marathon? Not a problem. You where training to improve your ability in football but now you have gotten into ice hockey? That’s fine. You were doing HIIT training with the rowing machine, but have injured your shoulder and now can only use the exercise bike? Your plans been instantly adjusted. You have just signed up to the gym or bought a load of new weights for the home? Then the system will adjust and include exercises you couldn’t do before. We want a clients flow from goal to goal, or from a set up within a goal to a different set up, to be a smooth and intuitive experience.
  • Improve systems ability to learn about the individua:- As mentioned the system already has the ability to learn and adjust to the individual using it. We want to take this a lot further though. We want to make nearly every aspect around a training or nutritional plan adjustable. This will allow the system to run tests and analyse what you do to continually adjust the plans, meaning you will reach your goals in the quickest possible time and in the best possible way for you. There are hundreds of different things the system will learn upon the full AI development, but a small idea of the kind of things we can teach it to learn include your recovery rate for different muscles, how quickly your cardiovascular and lactate threshold systems adapt and what foods work as the best energy sources for you. We also want to improve the ability of the system to implement things it has learnt in plans that are already running.
  • Progress section: We will create a highly comprehensive progress section, which will allow you to add tests for any aspect of your health and fitness, view progress over time for any aspect of your health and fitness, as well as allow you to view the balance between the different aspects of health and fitness. This will allow you to identify areas of weakness that need improvement.
  • Expansion and improvement of the exercises database: The exercise database currently holds about 85 different exercises. We want to expand this database as well as improve the data within the database. This will allow us to implement better exercise selection, improving the training plans effectiveness and individuality.
  • Expansion and improvement of the nutritional database: This will allow the system to use a wider range of foods as well as a wider range of meal types, giving it more flexibility around meal plans. In addition to this more data will allow us to make better selections for the individuals goals and needs.
  • Improvement of clients ability to control the meal generator: Although the amount of control at the launch of the generator will be good, with clients able to deselect foods and meal types they do not like, we want to improve it further, allowing clients to set up the meal plan generators more specifically to their taste.
  • Social:- We have many ideas for how to add social functionality to the app, with things such as challenges between friends and route competitions, as well as many more, currently in the pipeline.
  • Mobile app availability:- Mobile apps are the go to place for these types of systems now a days. Although or system works perfectly on your mobile browser, by visiting, we are aware that most individuals would prefer to be able to use the system as an app instead of needing to use the internet. Making a mobile app available will also allow use to use some of the features of the mobile that we would otherwise not be able to. We also hope to be able to move into tablets and smart TVs as soon as possible.

We hope to have all of these features and more added to the system by late 2014/ early 2015.

We will of course continue to develop a strong research division and use communication with the clients, allowing us to continually improvement the features already released.

How much does it cost?

At the moment everything in Lifestyler is completely free to use. Eventually a small monthly fee will be added to use some features in Lifestyler. Don’t worry these will not be excessive and are only to allow us to continue developing the best health and fitness system possible. At this point any free weeks will be applied. We will also make it possible to transfer free weeks to the accounts of friends and family.

As the system develops we will also add various features which will require a one off payment, such as a shop selling training equipment, clothing, relevant books and nutritional supplements. Various services will also be made available, such as DNA profiling, health marker monitoring and more. At this point any Lifestyler credit can be used to purchase products or services.

How else can I help

Another way to contribute that doesn’t cost anything is to spread the word. If you believe in what we are doing then please ask people to visit the site ( ), to view this campaign or to follow us on Twitter ( ) and Facebook ( ) or to view this campaign.

What countries is Lifestyler available in now?-

Lifestyler is currently available in UK only, with the launch in the US expected in the next 2 to 4 weeks. This is due to insurance restrictions, or rather budget restrictions meaning we can’t get insurance in every country we want to launch in. We do plan to expand worldwide rapidly. For English speaking countries we just need to pay for insurance in that country. Countries that do not speak English as the domestic language will require translating. This should not take too much time for a couple of languages as Roy speaks fluent Spanish and Simons family live in France.

If you are a resident outside of the US or the UK and think Lifestyler is something you would like to use please let us know. We will use these votes to help finalize the plan of where we launch and when.

How can I keep up to date with the latest news?-

To keep up to date with the latest news and development and to have your say follow us on Twitter ( ) and Facebook ( ).

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Lifestyler.

The Lifestyler Team

Roy- I have over 7 years of experience working in software development and web technologies. I have a degree in Software Engineering, a Masters degree in Human-Computer Interactions from the University of York. I am also certified in, and a student of, various nutritional, biomechanical and kinaesthetic qualifications. I constantly read and review recent scientific research in these fields.

Best wishes,

The Lifestyler Team


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